SwissAccounting: Redesign & Rebranding

With almost 10,000 members, SwissAccounting is the largest Swiss association for accounting, controlling and financial reporting. Founded in 1936, the association is committed to promoting the profession, organizes practice-oriented training courses, maintains an extensive network for professionals and represents the interests of its members in politics and the federal administration.


As part of the rebranding, SwissAccounting also wanted to give its website a new look with new colors and design. In addition, member interaction was to be optimized and simplified through inbound marketing.



In 2024, Chili Digital AG accompanied the rebranding in record time and updated the website to  The design was completely revised based on Jung von Matt's corporate design. In addition to the website, the protected member area and all advertising materials were also transferred to the new branding.

In addition, we continuously support SwissAccounting for several years in the area of inbound marketing and assist them in all matters relating to HubSpot. Particularly noteworthy is the integration of the ChiliDataHub (Welante <> HubSpot), which enables a seamless connection of the association and course software. We had already reported on this in another Success Story.


Results at a glance

  • Redesign of the website & advertising material based on the branding specifications
  • Accompanying the rebranding in the project planning
  • Revision of all documents in the new design
  • Ongoing integration of Welante (association/course software) & protected member area since 2021
  • Ongoing support in inbound marketing
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Pia Käser

The collaboration with Chili Digital AG was once again professional, efficient and solution-oriented. Based on the design developed by Jung von Matt, Chili realized our website redesign and the adaptation of our advertising material precisely and technically flawlessly. We also particularly appreciated the valuable support in inbound marketing. A collaboration that convinces.