đź” How can I display data in the different formats?

Date, numbers, currencies and percentages are formatted differently in different regions of the world. To ensure that this is output correctly in ChiliDocs®, a small addition is required in the control character.

All format specifications are introduced in the same way in ChiliDocs®:


This results in the following format definitions:

General Formats

Format Control character Result


[deal.closedate(format:dd.MM.yyyy)] 15.02.2025
Currency (Euro) [deal.amount(format:currency)] €3,190.00
Currency (USD) [deal.amount(format:currency)] $3,190.00
Percentage [deal.discount(format:%)] 15%

Date & Time Formats

Format Control character Result


[deal.closedate(format:dd.MM.yyyy)] 15.02.2025
Standard short [deal.closedate(format:dd.MM.yy)] 15.02.25
MM.dd.yyyy [deal.closedate(format:MM.dd.yyyy)] 02.15.2025
MM-dd-yyyy [deal.closedate(format:MM-dd-yyyy)] 02-15-2025
MM/yyyy [deal.closedate(format:MM/yyyy)] 02/2025
HH:mm:ss [deal.closedate(format:HH:mm:ss)] 12:05:30
Time only [deal.closedate(format:timeonly)] 12:05
Date only [deal.closedate(format:dateonly)] 15.02.2025