We take

Ecological responsibility
Periods of heat and drought here, floods and catastrophic flooding there - hardly a day goes by without reports of extreme weather events. Calls for a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions are becoming ever louder. It is therefore high time that not only consumers adapt their behaviour. Companies should also do everything they can to make a contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. At Chili Digital, we have decided to implement concrete measures to reduce our ecological footprint. It is the small steps that add up to make a difference.
Cooperation with MyBluePlanet
Together with the Winterthur-based NGO MyBluePlanet, Chili Digital has planted 80 trees in the Lindbergwald forest in Oberwinterthur as part of an employee event.
This first step will be followed by further measures in the direction of a sustainable company. MyBluePlanet will support Chili Digital on its way to becoming more ecological.

We plant a forest
A digital agency on a reforestation mission. For once, the employees of Chili Digital AG weren't sitting at their computers, but were busy planting trees.
The fog drifts through the trees of the Lindbergwald forest in thick clouds as the employees of Chili Digital AG arrive at the hut of the Oberwinterthur timber co-operative. Here they are welcomed by Heidi Fuchs from MyBlueTree, who has organised this tree-planting event together with Chili Digital AG.
A total of 80 trees need to be planted, so after an introduction, the newly qualified forestry workers set to work equipped with spades and hammers. It soon becomes clear: at Chili Digital, they don't hesitate for long, they get to work. The partly clayey soil and the hammering in of the piles require full physical effort.
After just half an hour, the first trees are in the ground and have already been treated with wood preservative to protect them from deer damage. Heidi is amazed at how efficiently the work is done here, as she had expected real office clerks.
Christian Trösch, tree specialist and co-founder of Greenpeace Switzerland, supervises the planting campaign and provides tips and additional information here and there. "Here you can see that it's swampy ground, so we're planting an alder here." Oaks and birches are planted in other places. The location of each young tree needs to be carefully considered. Attention is paid not only to the needs of the individual plant, but also to its potential protective function for neighbouring trees. The young trees are planted in no time at all. Now the protective slats are embellished with brushes and paint - we want people to know who planted them here. The tree-planting team looks at their work with some pride. Where there was previously an unsightly gap in the forest, the hope of new growth is now sprouting. May a healthy piece of forest grow here that will help to reduce CO2 emissions in the future.
Social responsibility
At Chili Digital, we are committed to acting following ethical and moral principles and to contributing to the well-being of society and the environment. In doing so, we consider the impact of our business practices on all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, partners, and society as a whole.